Annoyed by the never ending deluge of credit card offers?
Call the Opt Out Line to get off the list.
The number is 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688)
There is also a website:
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Stop the Credit Card Offers Coming in the Mail - Opt Out Line
Labels: finances
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Visit Before Visiting the Car Dealer
There is a wealth of information on new and used cars at It is well worth the few minutes to research on this site before visiting the dealer.
Labels: productivity, something new, thrifty ideas
Handango 20% off Coupon Code (Expires 11/4/07)
Save 20% at Handango through 11/4/07
Get a new app for your portable device.
Enter code: HALLOWEEN
Labels: coupons
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Got an MP3 Player...Get Your Own Personal Trainer with iTRAIN
Try something new!
This is sure cheaper than a gym membership.
Subscribe annually or monthly or buy ala carte.
Training sessions are downloaded for use on your MP3 player or burned to CD.
Labels: daily deals (recurring), something new $5 off $25 Order of Music (Expires 11/3/07) has a reusable $5 off $25 order of Music.
Expires 11/3/07
Remember it's reusable!
Click the link below to activate your coupon:
Music Store Coupon! Save $5 off Orders $25 or More in Music! exp 11/3/07
Labels: coupons
Logitech MX 400 Performance Laser Mouse only $19.99 after rebate has the Logitech MX400 Laser Mouse for only $19.99 after rebate.
I use this mouse and think it is excellent!
Pay $29.99 at
Free Shipping!
$10.00 rebate expires 11/19/07Logitech MX 400 Performance Laser Mouse-USB - 931638-0403
Labels: deals
Save 10% at Get Organized!
Just stumbled upon this site. Has a lot of 'as seen on TV' items'...not really interested in those. It does have a tab labelled 'Organizers' that has everything you can imagine to orgainze your house.
Check it out and save 10% with the link below:
Take 10% off any order at GetOrganized, no coupon necessary. Your discount will be reflected at Check Out.
Labels: coupons, productivity
4GB SD Card $19.95 after rebate at
Pay $30.95 at
$11.00 rebate expires 11/5/07
Free Shipping!Dane-Elec 4GB Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) Card - DA-SD-4096-R
Labels: deals
Allume Morpheus Photo Morpher - Free After Rebate
Pay $28.00.
There are two rebates:
$18.00 expires 11/4/07 and allows copy of UPC
$10.00 expires 12/31/07 and requires original UPC
Free Shipping!
Software looks like something very interesting for photographers to play with.Allume Morpheus Photo Morpher
Labels: deals
Monday, October 29, 2007
Even Better: Kingston 2GB SD Card $14.95 at
Free shipping on this one too.
No rebates.Kingston 2GB Secure Digital Card SD - SD/2GBKR
Labels: deals
Logitech V450 Laser Cordless Mouse only $19.99 after $15 Rebate at
Got excellent reviews at site.
Free shipping!
$15 rebate expires 11/18/07Logitech V450 Laser Cordless Mouse for Notebooks - 931669-0403
Labels: deals
Kingston 1GB SD Card Only $10 at
Free Shipping to boot!Kingston 1GB Secure Digital Card (SD) - SD/1GBKR
Labels: deals
19" LCD Monitor Only $139 at ECost
Ecost has a 19" LCD Monitor for only $139 (no rebates). It's made by X2Gen.
600:1 Contrast Ratio, 8 ms Response Time, 1280 x 1024 pixels Max Resolution, Analog VGA connection, Integrated Speakers (1 Year X2Gen Warranty)
ECost part #3437239
Labels: deals
Sunday, October 28, 2007
About Thrifty Living
As a compulsive deal scout, it should be surprising to no one who knows me that I created a blog dedicated (at least in part) to the subject. Thrifty Living is all about providing a resource to assist others in attaining their goals in a financially savvy and productive way.
As I find deals of interest, coupons, rebates, free stuff, etc. I will share those on this site. Obviously, there are a lot of bargains to be had on the internet. I will only post those that I feel are exceptional enough to be of interest to my readers.
Almost as important to me as these savings opportunities are productivity solutions; ideas which can help to save time and maybe money as well. Look for these post from me as well.
Labels: ABOUT
The 60 Second Organizer (Free eBook)
Some fairly good ideas in this book for organizing all aspects of your life from your desk at work to the junk drawer at home.
The eBook is available as a free download at (see my previous post: Free eBooks at
Clink the image below for more information on the eBook (and to add to your download queue):
Labels: free stuff, productivity
Check Out Rainlendar: Free Customizable Desktop Calendar
I've used the free version of Rainlendar (Lite) for over a year now at home and at the office. This nice calendar app puts a semi transparent calendar on your desktop. It can also have a list of upcoming events under it if you wish. The calendar fades when your mouse isn't over it so it doesn't interfere with your work. Like any calendar program you can schedule all your events (which are identified with icons on the calendar). There are a lot of options:
- Always on top (or bottom
- Different Skins
- Display multiple months (or just one)
- Display event lists
- To-Do List
- Recurring events
- Variable fade/transparency
- Search events and tasks
Labels: freeware
Installing a Print Server Step By Step
It's well worth the time and money to set up your printer on your home network. Save money in the long run. You will only have one printer to purchase and maintain. Furthermore, you won't have those interruptions when another family member has to get on the PC with the 'good' printer. I have it set up at home so the kids can print remotely...all wireless. I did mine a little differently (didn't purchase a separate print pc has to be on all the time).
Check out the article: Install a Print Server - Compter Shopper
Labels: productivity
Target $5 off $50 Purchase Coupon (Expires 10/31/07) has an on-line coupon code for $5 off a $50 purchase (restrictions apply obviously).
Enter code TCSMXP63.
Expires 10/31/07
Labels: coupons
Sunday Ad Specials: Target
On the front page of the Target is a good deal on the Guitar Hero III Bundle for PS2.
It includes 2 guitars and Legends of Rock.
$89.99 save $40.00 (although on-line it says save $20.00)
Labels: deals
Sunday Ad Specials: KMart
KMart has a coupon (buried on page 13 of their a toys pullout) for 50% off any one toy item from a special list of toys.
The coupon is valid one day only Saturday 11/3/07.
Valid in-store only.
Limit 1 coupon per household.
If the coupons in your local ad, read the fine print for the 20 qualifying items.
Labels: deals
Sunday Ad Specials: Toys R Us
Toys R Us has a coupon on the back of their (almost magazine-like) ad for a free $10 gift card with any $75 purchase.
Coupon expires 11/21/07
Limit 1, valid in-store only.
Gift card will expire 12/31/07
Labels: deals
Sunday Ad Specials: Best Buy
Some Specials of Interest (click banner above and search for item # in parenthesis):
PNY 2GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive (8202045) $19.99 save $19.00
Dynex 50 Pack CD-R's (7609931) $5.99 save $10.00
Dynex 50 Pack DVD-R or DVD +R $8.99 save $18.00
Labels: deals