Receive a bonus $25 when you fund a new account at ShareBuilder with at least $25. Takes 4 to 6 weeks to receive bonus after funding your account. Use Promo Code: 25WO10. Expires 9/30/10.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Additional 25% Off at Aeropostale
Through May 3, 2009 enter code FLING09 at checkout to get an additional 25% off regular and sale prices at
Labels: deals
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
eToys 30% Off Coupon Code
eToys has a coupon code for an additional 30% off their already discounted prices. Enter code: EKNCPND9 at checkout.
Expires 1/12/09
Labels: deals
Cheap DVD-R's at has a deal on MicroNet 16x DVD-R's. You can get two 50 packs for only $19.99 with free shipping. There is also a $5 rebate (expiring 1/31/09) bringing the net price down to $14.99. User reviews gave this 'off-brand' very good ratings. DVD-R's are much more universally readable. One of my old DVD players can't read DVD+R media so when I'm transferring home movies to disc I always use DVD-R. Search for SKU: 208074819. USA
Labels: deals
Sears Midnight Madness Event
Tonight only from 9PM-6AM get 10-25% off clearance items online only at
Labels: deals
Friday, January 2, 2009
Additional 30% Off Clearance at Aeropostale
Through 1/4/09 get an additional 30% off clearance items at Aeropostale using coupon code 4YOU30 at checkout.
Labels: deals
Friday, December 12, 2008
Additional 30% Off Clearance at Aeropostale
Enter promo code 30CHEER at checkout and get an additional 30% off already reduced clearance items at Aeropostale.
Labels: deals
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Just In Time For Christmas Shopping: WootOff at
Find some good deals today! has what they call a WootOff for today. New deals throughout the day, one sells out, then a new one starts.
Labels: deals
Friday, December 5, 2008
eToys 10% Off Today Only
Get 10% off your order at
Today only (12/5/08)
Enter Code: FNTMDLD5 at checkout.
Labels: deals
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Another NO Out-Of-Pocket Cost TV Digital Converter
My previous post listed one option for a no out-of-pocket cost digital TV converter; I just came across another CECB digital converter box that is offered with free shipping and sells at $40.00 each which nets out to $0.00 with your coupon. Once again, you have to buy two to get the special price and free shipping.
This model is a Sansonic FT-300A which according to Consumer Reports has great video quality but is lacking in features (no program guide, no directly tuning to channels, no size/font adjustments). Guess it depends what you want.
Buy it through Consumer Electronics Group.
Labels: deals, free stuff
Get a Digital Converter Box With NO Out-Of-Pocket Cost
After nosing around for quite some time on the internet, I found a site where you can buy a pair of digital converter boxes (alternatively known as CECB's...Coupon Eligible Converter Boxes) by using two of the TV Converter Box Coupons. This is the only deal I came across where the net to you is $0.00. Through November 30,2008 they are offering free shipping when you purchase two units.
To start, you have to get your two coupons from the government:
TV Converter Box Coupon Program
They mail out in batches, so depending on the timing of things it could take you a while to receive them and you may not be able to take advantage of this deal. I ordered mine on Oct. 19th and received them on Nov. 13th or 14th (can't remember)...anyways, it was roughly three weeks.
The site that is offering the totally free unit is FreeTVSignal. They are on the authorized list at the DTV2009, the government site. You'll see on their homepage their deal of the month. Click on the deal and you will be taken to the product page for the Sunkey SK-801ATSC. You will see on the product page that the sale price for two units is $80.00. With your coupon $0.00. The sale price and free shipping is valid through 11/30/08.
The Sunkey SK-801ATSC, from what I've read, appears to be a fairly decent unit. I like that it has buttons on the box to turn it off and change the channel (some boxes you need the remote...I'm always worried about misplacing the remote). The unit has analog pass through which is good in case you have some low power stations in your area which aren't required to go digital. It has a remote control (not universal), decent program guide, and I think (don't hold me to it) it even comes with the A/V cables (RCA type). It seemed to have gotten decent comments in the AV Science Forum. It hasn't yet been reviewed in Consumer Reports.
I spent a lot of time reading about these units. Here are some links with information:
Consumer Reports
AV Science Forum
DTV Converter Boxes Blog
DTV 2009
WIKI Comparison of CECB Units
You will find so many conflicting reports on the quality of each of the boxes. Take for example the Dish Network TR-40 CRA (which I was originally going to buy because it is free with $8.95 shipping until I found this totally free one). You will find some sites highly acclaiming this unit (it does have the best EPG...Electronic Program Guide); you will find some sites criticizing it. I think there are so many variables (quality of your tv, cables, antenna, position of the unit/antenna, etc.) that even the best units can perform poorly depending on the circumstances. I opted to search for a free unit because I see the units as eventually a throw away as my aging tv's will get replaced over the next few years. I have not yet received the free unit (I'll be ordering it shortly) so I can't attest to its quality at this point.
If anyone else finds some totally free deals, please post in the comments so others can find (especially for when this deal expires).
Labels: deals, free stuff
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Woot Is Having a Woot Off Today
Find some good deals today! has what they call a WootOff for today. New deals throughout the day, one sells out, then a new one starts.
Labels: deals
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Another Woot Off Today
They must be out of warehouse space because it looks like they are doing another day of WootOff's. has what they call a WootOff for today. New deals throughout the day, one sells out, then a new one starts.
Labels: deals
Friday, March 28, 2008
Woot Off Continues Today has what they call a WootOff for today. New deals throughout the day, one sells out, then a new one starts.
Labels: deals
Thursday, March 27, 2008 Has a Woot Off Today has what they call a WootOff for today. New deals throughout the day, one sells out, then a new one starts.
Labels: deals
Friday, February 15, 2008
Woot-Off at Woot Today - Opportunity to Get Some Great Deals has what they call a WootOff for today. New deals throughout the day, one sells out, then a new one starts.
Labels: deals
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Dell Outlet 15% Off Coupon Codes
Dell Outlet has some new codes for 15% off various refurbished products.
For 15% off any refurbished Inspirion or XPS Desktop or Laptop enter the following code:
Code: MJ5P5L?102FB2R
Expires 2/18/08
For 15 % off any refurbished Dell Printer enter the following code:
Code: 9GH05KGTX0F7S6
Expires 2/18/08 or after first 300 redemptions (hurry on this one).
Labels: deals
YugDown at Today has what they call a YugDown for today. New deals throughout the day, one sells out, then a new one starts.
Once in a while there are some unique/hard to find items here.
Labels: deals
Monday, February 4, 2008
Cheap Tools Try Harbor Freight USA
If you have one in your area, sign up for weekly specials at HarborFreightUSA and you'll get a weekly email with a couple dozen coupons. Like a typical guy, I sometimes go out of control with tools (buying stuff there is no way I would ever use). Historically I've always been partial to Sears Craftsman tools (lifetime guarantee on hand tools). When some project comes up where you need a specific tool to use for only that one use, Harbor Freight is great for getting it cheap.
Labels: deals
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Sale and Clearance Summary in my Sidebar
Look in my sidebar (just below Thrifty Sites I Follow). I'm building a list of links for various websites where they have recurring deals of some sort (daily, weekly, etc.) or a page with clearance items. I've found this list to be a handy 'bookmark' for myself (I'm always trolling for clearance items). Check back periodically; I'll be adding more as I find them.
Labels: daily deals (recurring), deals