Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Keep An Eye Out For Those Clearance Items

I just ran out on my lunch hour because I had to stop at the mall to look at some dishes (divorce left me without a set that can go in the microwave). From previous posts, you know I'm a habitual clearance rack shopper. In fact, I have to restrain myself because in the past I'd impulse buy on the clearance racks and never use the product. Anyways, our local Sears always has a section of clearance shoes (which I do always scope out) but I never found any incredible deals. Today they had all clearance 'buy one get one half price'. On top of that they reduced a bunch of the shoes to $9.99 (some fairly decent ones at that). I bought myself 4 pairs (3 sneakers and 1 work shoe) for only $29.96 plus tax. You can't get one pair for that price. I was able, at this price, to try some different styles. One of the pairs of sneakers, I thought, would look good with the Khakis I wear to work. These shoes easily would have run over $100.00 (and that would have been a sale.

Keep those eyes peeled for the specials; but restrain yourself to buy just what you need.