Saturday, December 29, 2007

Know Your Wines for the Holidays (Articles from BNET)

Almost too late for the holidays...but better late...

If you're like me, you enjoy the occasional bottle of wine; but when it comes to selecting that bottle, it can be a challenge. There are so many wineries and so many varietals of wine. Any help I can get before going into the liquor store relieves some of the anxiety. For me, it is fun to just go up and down the aisles and look at the cards that our local store (Premier Wines) has in front of many of the bottles; which list ratings and taste qualities.

BNET has a very good article summarizing all the varietals of wines available:
Wine Types: What They Are and Where They're From

While your at it look at this article on BNET for a lot more information on wine:
Hot to Survive Dinner with a Wine-Snob Boss