Monday, February 4, 2008

Speaking of Cheap Tools...

I did splurge on a deal at Lowes over the weekend. I somehow got on a mailing list at Lowes. I don't know if I signed up for the list on the web or if they just put me on the list when I had the pellets for my pellet stove delivered by them the last two years. Anyways... They had sent me this card for $10 off a $25 purchase. Well, it was going to expire Sunday. So as I was heading home from my Mom's (me and my brother were moving the shed that blew over), I remembered the card in my wallet and figured 'Lowes is right at the exit off the thruway'; so I took an hour long stroll through the store.
I finally came across something that I have been wanting to purchase for years. A tool that can track an outlet to a circuit breaker. I have an old house and there is some crazy wiring in here. With this maybe I will finally be motivated to map all my circuits. Anyways, it cost $29; with the coupon, only $19...woohoo! Couldn't let that coupon go to waste...heck it's almost half off.